What happens to the children where motherhood raises and uses its own children to make men suspicious as pedophiles without any substantial basis,where the only thing that exists is relied on their own fabricated fantasies and delusions which reveal themselves in their way of thinking.

The intrigue is that the person who slandered someone must save their own reputation by destroying someone elses and is therefore guilty of both slander and incitement.


The single mother is often suspicious of men 
and socially imprisoned with children tightly
 attached to her.

She is emotionally immature and believes
that the best interests of the child are her best

She medicates for her depression,anxiety
and neuroses sometimes with alcohol in
the background.

She is afraid of her own aging and is 
jealous of her childrens youth.

Her tenderness ratings with the child are
hidden pedophilia because she doesn`t
understand that her longing for love makes
 the child to a host animal for her longing.

It is not genetic but is formed in the absence
of love.

She emphasizes herself as something other
than she is.

She falsely accuses others of her own interests
and misstakes.

She betrays exploits and betrays her
surroundings with extreme lies and does not
shy away from falsifying documents.

She is looking for date with young police aspirants
to cover her up.

She lacks or has obvious shortcomings in her adult
 behavior and lacks adult barriers.

She does not understand that she reveals more about herself
 than about others through her way of looking at things.

FACTS : Between 1990-2000 246 women were reported for sexual abuse of children under the age of 15 where the children were so young that they could not or did not talk for themselves and the child naturaly protects their perpetrator who is the mother.
Newspaper usually cover cases where women appear in incestual criminal cases so the number of unknown cases is large,

